Please try not to call us or email us prior to submitting in your adoption application. We will respond back as soon as possible after receiving your application.
  • Applications received after 6pm, may not be responded back till noon the following day.
Amelia is a wonderful 11 Y O, female Greenwing Macaw, who needs her room. Amelia has some feather loss and we were told that she pulls some feathers annually, then they grow back. She was housed in a small 32” dome-top cage with a Military macaw for the past 9 years when we picked her up. During most days, Amelia liked the companionship of her Military macaw companion on their old small metal perch.
When this pair came to us, we immediately put then into one large 40” wide cage for their first two months. We notice that Amelia still wanted more room, so we gave them both a 40” wide cage, and discovered that they were both much happier having their own cages.
We would like to keep them together, and we noticed when their out in the aviary here, they perch next to each other and play a bit. And now she plays with other birds too (Like Louie our Buffon’s Macaw). We feel confident that they will do fine on their own without each other. But, If possible, we would like to place them together for a reduced adoption fee. They had been accustomed to playing on a tree together all day at their old home. Now, they seem to be fine separated.
Amelia’s low adoption fee includes a New Manzanita “T” Perch and her Large cage. We will also reduce her adoption fee if you  adopt her old friend Buddy , a sweet 10 Year old male Military Macaw. *(Special lowered Adoption fee –for both macaws) Submit in your application for Details.
*Please try not to call us or email us prior to submitting in your adoption application. We will respond back as soon as possible after receiving your application.
If you’re interested in adopting Amelia, within the next 72 hours, please submit in an adoption application as soon as possible.
To submit in an adoption application, please visit our website, or click or copy and paste the link below: