Bailey is one very sweet and affectionate girl, who will be a great companion for anyone. Bailey likes both men and women.
We prefer that you have macaw at least experience to be able to adopt Bailey.*Not mandatory but recommended
We no longer place macaws with condo owners or anyone who shares a wall with their neighbors. We prefer homeowners with macaw experience.
Bailey loves TV especially cartoons, Bailey speaks talk about a dozen words with the potential to speak much more.
Bailey loves to be hugged and kissed. Bailey is a very affectionate & loving girl. She loves her chopped veggies too.
Bailey adoption includes her new $1200.00 dollar Large 6’ ft. tall 40” Kings Cage. (model 8004030)
Bailey’s adoption fee also includes a $350.00 macaw care package.
- *We will not allow parrots to be adopted out as gifts – *The parrot needs to pick it new companion – *Meet greets are mandatory* No exceptions to this rule of placement.
- All adoptions include their cage
- A new custom parrot carrier
- Wi-Fi Parrot Camera
- Magic Bullet Blender for Chop
- 2 months of our special Macaw Volkmans seed mix
- 3 Nutriberries treat packs
- Sample pack Higgins Boca Nuts
- 4 – Packs of Fruit & goodies
- 2 Packet of Lafebers Fruit pellet treats
- 3 Educational books
- Adopters Guide Book for macaws
- Guide to a Well Behaved Parrot
- Great Parrot cuisine cookbook
If you can promise to give Bailey the play time she deserves out of her cage on the top play pen. Moreover you can pledge to give her all the daily attention she deserves. Most important the fresh diet she deserves, then please apply to adopt her.
*Again- We’d prefer to place Bailey with a homeowner, which is a mandatory requirement to adopt her. But the commitment of a lifetime of loving care is most important to adopt her.